NFTs are a key tool for Algo DAO and its economic incentive structure
One of the main revenue mechanisms for the DAO is the promotion of community generated research & ideas shared in a decentralized manner to the members which are willing to pay for access.
AlgoDAO's community is made up of a vibrant and long standing group of traders, investors and entrepreneurs that work 24/7 in the digital assets market from the early years of Bitcoin.
This collective knowledge and experience can be capitalized on by interested parties that would like to have a glimpse into the conversations and ideas of experienced market operators.
Thanks to blockchain technology and the diffusion of online content producer models, it has never been easier to gain access to superior knowledge without the cost and attrition of unnecessary middle men.
NFT Subscription Model
The subscription is purchased through a NFT which represents access to a dedicated Discord channel for a specific time allotment. Once bought, the NFT can be verified in the specific Discord channel and access to the channel is granted to the holder.
There are two types of subscriptions available:
💹TRADING IDEAS - designed for short term traders
Buy the NFT subscription pass here ➡️ OpenSea
📈MARKET RESEARCH - designed for long term investors
Buy an NFT subscription pass here ➡️ OpenSea
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Market Research and Trading Ideas Content is presented for educational purposes only and is not meant to provide individualized or specific investment advice.
Algo Capital DAO does not provide investment advice to individuals. All information provided by Algo Capital DAO is general in nature and is made without regard to individual levels of sophistication or investment experience, investment preferences, objectives or risk parameters and without regard to the suitability of the Content for individuals or entities who may access it.
No information provided by Algo Capital DAO, should be construed as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security or investment vehicle, nor should it be construed as tailored or specific to you, or any reader or subscriber. You understand and agree that our content does not constitute specific recommendations of any particular investment, security, portfolio, transaction or strategy, nor does it recommend any specific course of action is suitable for any specific person or entity or group of persons or entities.
At any point in time, the contributors of Algo Capital DAO may own a portion of, or all the assets discussed in Algo Capital DAO research Content. The opinions expressed by Algo Capital DAO are those of its contributors based upon information from sources believed to be reliable. Algo Capital DAO and its contributors are not responsible for errors, inaccuracies or omissions of information; nor are they responsible for the accuracy or authenticity of the information upon which it relies.
Algo Capital DAO who shall not be liable for losses resulting from investment decisions based on information or viewpoints presented by Algo Capital DAO, and always consult a licensed investment professional before making important investment decisions.
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