The evaluation process employed by the DAO is streamlined to quickly separate viable and unviable investments
The DAO follows a predetermined process to select and allocate to different projects:
Introduction: the project is introduced by a DAO member or has been contacted directly by the DAO following internal research.
Meeting: core contributors of the DAO hold meetings with the projectsβ team to assess the synergies for a collaboration.
Review & Valuation: the DAO contributors will analyze the project and assign a value to the projects token
Proposal: the DAO shall share its findings with the DAO members which will vote on a proposal to make to the project.
Exchange Rate: if the proposal is accepted by the members of the DAO and by the project, an exchange rate between the ALGO token and the other one is set.
Acquisition: The DAO and the $TARGET ecosystems are integrated
Collaboration: AlgoDAO and the project's team will collaborate to increase the value of the $TARGET token and achieved the shared milestones agreed upon
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