How To Vote
A step by step process on how to vote in Algo Capital DAO
Last updated
A step by step process on how to vote in Algo Capital DAO
Last updated
Voting is a critical part of any DAO, as the contrary to the typical company the decision power should be spread across a more distributed base of participants.
Voting is handled through the Aragon Platform in the Governance section, on the Algo Capital DAO dashboard that can be accessed by linking your Metamask wallet at the following link
As shown by the image above, on this dashboard you can access all Active, Pending, Succeeded, Executed and Defeated Proposals, as well as creating a New Proposal.
Voting is pro rata, meaning the more $ALGO tokens a token holder has, the more voting power he or she will naturally hold.
By double clicking on each proposal, you can vote on current active proposals or review the results of past proposals as shown in the image below ⬇️